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Bob McGhee


Good morning

Minutes of our meeting to select directors and adopt a legal framework to apply for.

ASK Hive Minute of inaugural AGM meeting.

Agenda:  Introduction

Appointment of Committee officers

Adoption of Legal Entity format

Questions and Answer session

Benefits and Concerns

Attending:  R. King, B. McGhee, T. Carlisle, O. Craven, A. Prisi, T. Barbary, A. Barbary, L. Hinson, C. Hinson, D. Cassidy

Apologies: S. Bull, M. Evans, M. Adrain, G. Adrain, K. Melton, F. Melton, H. Durkan, D. Perry, E. Vega, J. McLaughlin, J. McGhee, D. King, H. Snell, C. George, Flora Staythorpe, Paula Staythorpe, J. Emeny, S. Emeny, J. Mills, Melissa Bousfield Jones.

Location: St Michael and All Saints Church, Averham Date: 11th July 2024  Time: 8:45


     1 Introduction Bob McGhee

     2 Appointment of Board of Trustees:

     2a Chair Roger King   Prop: Craig Hinson 2nd Tracey Carlisle

    2b Treasurer Mel Adrain Prop: Roger King 2nd Bob McGhee

    2c Secretary Bob McGhee Prop: Tim Barbary  2nd Leanne Hinson

    2d Committee Craig Hinson Prop: Roger King  2nd  Deb Cassidy

Deb Cassidy Prop:  Leanne Hinson 2nd Bob McGhee

Steve Bull Prop:  Tim Barbary  2nd Roger King

Melissa Evans Prop:  Tim Barbary  2nd  Roger King

Leanne Hinson Prop:  Bob McGhee  2nd  Deb Cassidy

Colin George Prop:  Roger King  2nd  Bob McGhee

Tim Barbary Prop: Tracey Carlisle  2nd Bob McGhee

All voted in unanimously.

     3 Adoption of Legal format Prop: Bob McGhee

Options:  Company (Ltd), Community Interest Company (CIC), Charity, or a Community Benefit Society (CBS).

Each of the options were discussed briefly with pros and cons of each for this organisation.  After discussion Bob McGhee proposed that this organisation adopt the Legal Entity format of a Community Benefit Society as this seems to be best fit for this organisations short term and long term by ‘Locking Assets’ and giving the ability to raise funds easily and relatively inexpensively.  Also, should this organisation offer shares they are one vote per member irrespective of number of shares held.  This was felt to benefit the community more.

The proposal was voted on and carried unanimously 10 - 0 in favour.  Bob McGhee to progress application to become “ASK Hive” Community Benefit Society with The Plunkett Foundations assistance and guidance.

Committee will discuss the “Model Rules”and adopt at the next meeting TBA.

     4 Questions, Answers and Updates

     4a Roger King outlined a recent visit to Witton Lakes Community Hub, based in Erdington and held by “Locality” (A Community Membership Organisation).  Collective impression was overwhelmingly impressive as to what can be achieved.

    4b Update from Bob McGhee on progress with Nottinghamshire County Council;

Our application to acquire the Manners Sutton School in Averham was submitted in February 2024 and met most of the requirements NCC laid down, the application pointed out at the start that we were unwilling to spend money is setting up as a legal entity etc if the proposal was likely to be rejected for any reason.  A decision was due by June 2024.  After several emails, we found that the person dealing with this was leaving!

Our Cllr Sue Saddington was contacted and a response was quick:  application has been passed to Cllr Keith Girling for consideration.  That weekend Cllr Saddington was at a ‘social function’ where the school was raised with Cllr Girling.  It is reported that Sue was advised that although the application had only just been received “they can have it , if they (us) can find the money.”  This led back to NCC having to get an independent valuation, further emails established this is due in August 2024.

We trust that we can negotiate with Cllr Girling to bring the price to an acceptable level using his authority to discount such sales for Community use!

   4c Bob McGhee suggested that in negotiations we request that we take the building and grounds under License until funds are raised and acquisition completed, this gives the ‘Landlord’, NCC the right to withdraw the License at any point i.e. we are unable to raise enough monies.

   4d Anne Prisi raised a concern about whether the school could ever become a school again?  It was felt that this was extremely unlikely and if this application fails it is likely that the site will be sold off as development land.

   4e A Benefits and Concerns session:

Concern: 1 Church acoustics not ideal for such meetings

Action: Alternatives at present difficult for larger numbers unless we approach Kelham Hall or Kelham House Hotel!  Ideally in the school.

Concern: 2 Timing of meeting may not suit many:

Action: Review notice and times

Benefits: 3 Good attendance and level of interest although there were many apologies

4 Positive start to formalise this organisation and start taxiing to the runway!

   5 Meeting closed at 20:20

   6 Next meeting TBA; a committee meeting to discuss Model Rules for the Community Benefit Society application.

Signed: Date:   / /

ASK Hive Chair Seconded:

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